Due to space limitations we have to restrict the number of participants to 180 and the number of posters to 150. Further reduction of this number may occur to comply with the COVID-19-related regulations in force.
Registration Fees:
(incl. conference registration, coffee breaks, the lunches of 7 and 8 June and the conference reception)
Regular Participants: CHF 300
MSc and PhD students: CHF 200
PhD and MSc students will need to show proof of their status at the registration desk at the beginning of the conference.
Poster Format:
Portrait (not landscape), maximum size A0
Only posters that refer to one of the symposium’s topics will be accepted.
Deadline for poster abstract submission: 30 April 2021 (extended deadline)
Notification of poster abstract acceptance: 7 May 2021
Opening of registration (payment): will be announced at the beginning of May
Deadline for registration: will be announced in at the beginning of May
Registration and Abstract Submission
Registration for the conference, the excursion and submission of abstracts involves the following steps (see details below):
a) Abstract Submission for Posters (no later than 30 April 2021)
Please submit abstracts for posters via EKAS (please, see below) no later than 30 April 2021. Please indicate the preferred Session (Topic 1-4) for your contribution.
After acceptance of abstracts the registration will be opened in May 2021.
Before abstract submission, an account must be opened at EKAS account, then you can proceed to the EKAS abstract submission.
Abstracts must not exceed 500 words; excess text will be deleted. Please do not use special characters other than provided in the form editor; they will not be corrected manually.
b) Registration and Payment (by credit card, no later than 27 May 2021)
All delegates need to register via Conftool. The accepted participants will receive the link for payment by email.
* Those persons interested in registering for the conference without presenting a poster, please contact first Dr. César Morales del Molino by e-mail (cesar.morales@ips.unibe.ch).