Opening keynotes
- Clive Oppenheimer (Univ. Cambridge, UK) (confirmed)
- Stephen Self (UC Berkeley, USA) (confirmed)
1. Volcanic plumes and aerosols in the atmosphere
Conveners: Thomas Peter (ETH Zurich, CH), Stefan Brönnimann (U. Bern, CH)
- Hans Graf (U. Cambridge, UK): Volcanic plume modeling (confirmed)
- Alan Robock (Rutgers U. USA): Volcanic aerosols (confirmed)
- Susan Solomon (MIT, USA): Volcanoes, the stratosphere and the global warming hiatus (confirmed)
2. Volcanic eruptions recorded in paleo-environmental archives
Conveners: Fortunat Joos (U. Bern, CH), Willy Tinner (U. Bern, CH)
- Margit Schwikowski (PSI, CH): The Tambora eruption as seen in ice cores
- Hubertus Fischer (U. Bern, CH): Volcanic sulphate in ice cores
3. Historical climatology and documentary data
Conveners: Stefan Brönnimann (U. Bern, CH), Martin Grosjean (U. Bern, CH)
- Phil Jones (CRU, U. East Anglia, UK): The "Year Without a Summer" of 1816 in terrestrial climate data (confirmed)
- Jürg Luterbacher (U. Giessen, DE): The "Year Without a Summer" of 1816 in reconstructions (confirmed)
- Renate Auchmann (U. Bern, CH): The "Year Without a Summer" of 1816 in sub-daily meteorological series
- Gilbert P. Compo (U. Colorado/CIRES & NOAA/ESRL, USA) and Philip Brohan (Met Office, UK): 20CR-1815: Extending reanalysis back to Tambora
4. Volcanic eruptions in climate models
Convener: Stefan Brönnimann (U. Bern, CH)
- Eduardo Zorita (HZG, Geesthacht, DE): Volcanic effects during the past millennium (confirmed)
- Claudia Timmreck (MPI Hamburg, DE): Modelling super volcanoes (confirmed)
- Thomas Frölicher (U. Bern, CH): Volcanic eruptions and the carbon cycle
- Martin Wegmann (U. Bern, CH): Effects of volcanic eruptions on the water cycle
5. Impacts and societal response of the "Year Without a Summer" of 1816
Convener: Christian Rohr (U. Bern, CH)
- Rudolf Brazdil (U. Brno, CZ): Responses to the Tambora 1815 eruption in the Czech Lands in comparison with the Laki 1783 eruption based on documentary and instrumental records (confirmed)
- Matthias Dörries (Univ. Strasbourg, FR): Tambora as a Model Case in Volcanology and Climate Studies: Historical Considerations (confirmed)
- Daniel Krämer (U. Bern, CH): The social vulnerability after the harvest failure in the "Year Without a Summer" and political responses to the hunger crisis in Switzerland (title confirmed)
- Gillen D'Arcy Wood (U. Illinois Urbana-Champaign, USA): Tambora’s Impacts in Asia: The 1817 Bengal Cholera (confirmed)
6. Arts and culture
Convener: Christian Rohr (U. Bern, CH)
- John Thornes (U. Birmingham, UK): Tambora in the landscape art of the English painter John Constable (confirmed)
Public evening lecture (Wednesday)
Christian Pfister (U. Bern, CH): Interdisciplinary Approaches to the Tambora Eruption and its Impact on Climate and Society (confirmed)