General information

Venue and Location

University of Bern, Main Building, Room A033, 3012 Bern

University of Bern, Unitobler, Room F 021, Lerchenweg 36, 3012 Bern


Hotel Kreuz Bern (google maps route plan)

Route plans

Mainstation Bern to Hotel Kreuz Bern (walking)
Mainstation Bern to Hotel Kreuz Bern (public transport)
Hotel Kreuz to University of Bern, Unitobler (walking)
Hotel Kreuz to University of Bern, Unitobler (public transport)

Conference Dinner

Restaurant Rosengarten (google maps)

Moving around, public transport in Bern

Bern is a small but beautiful city (UNESCO World Heritage Site).

The conference venue (University) is 5 minutes walking distance from the railway station and within walking distance from most of the hotels.
Typically, day passes for the city bus are included in the hotel arrangements.

Rental bicycles are available from

Bern Tourism Website

Arrival by train and plane

Bern is linked to the European high-speed train system, connecting the major European cities. Travelling by train is strongly recommended.

The nearest international airports are Zurich, Geneva or Basel. Direct trains to Bern leave every 30 minutes and the ride takes ca 1.5 hr (