2nd Swiss Social Science and Humanities Energy Workshop (SSH Energy)

15 September / 16 September 2022, Murten/Muntelier (FR), Switzerland



The energy transition represents a significant technical challenge, but energy systems are also embedded in society, markets, and political systems. People shape energy markets with their consumption and production behavior. As residents and citizens, they participate in - or are excluded from - decisions on national energy laws and the deployment of concrete infrastructure. House owners may want to install solar PV or thermal heat pumps and encounter bureaucratic and technical hurdles on the way. Political decision-makers, investors, and scientists try to moderate these conflicts while aiming for different ultimate goals.

Hence, there is a need for inter- and transdisciplinary perspectives on energy transitions, systems, and infrastructure. We need to synthesize information from different social science and humanities (SSH) disciplines and research questions to prepare for the future. After a first workshop that allowed for getting to know scholarly work across SSH disciplines in Swiss energy research, our next goal is to enable a vivid academic discussion about new research paths that are of inter- and transdisciplinary nature in the SSH energy research field in Switzerland.

The workshop will take place on September 15 and 16, 2022, in Murten/Muntelier (FR). On the first day, we will jointly and in smaller groups discuss future challenges in inter- and transdisciplinary research and draft proposals on tackling these research questions. After dinner, networking activities are scheduled. On the second day, September 16, we focus on ongoing research projects and visit the new energy projects at Schiffenensee that are planned for the future.

We encourage all scholars within social sciences, humanities, and trans- and interdisciplinary research focusing on energy to apply and participate. We are open to pre- and post-docs and more senior scholars (professors) from Switzerland, either as their academic institution or the scope of their studies. We encourage participation regardless of participation in the June/July Workshop in Martigny.

Call for applications

Link to the workshop application.

Organization Committee:

Dr. Gracia Brückmann (UniBE)
Jonas Schmid (UniBE)
Felix Poelsma (UniBE)
Rebeka Sträter (UniBE)

Workshop is supported by:

Your support is greatly appreciated.