Hail Day Frequency Trends and Associated Atmospheric Circulation Patterns over China during 1960–2012
Mingxin Li, Peking University, China |
50 Years of Hail Suppression in Serbia
Zoran Babic, Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia |
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A study of the initial development of hail and rain isolated cells with first radar echo above -10° C level - preliminary results
Tsvetelina Dimitrova, Hail Suppression Agency, Bulgaria |
Hail climatology of Sofia-city district in Bulgaria
Liliya Bocheva, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgaria |
Towards a radar- and observation-based hailstorm data set for Germany
Thomas Junghänel, German Weather Service, Germany |
An estimation of the dual-polarization C-band radar products in the hail events cases
Ljubov Liman, Finnish Meteorological Institute, Finland |
Trend of hail occurrence in Serbia in the period 1981-2012
Julijana Nadj, Republic Hydrometeorological Service of Serbia, Serbia |
The Methodology of AIR Worldwide’s upcoming Probabilistic Severe Thunderstorm Model
Bernhard Reinhardt, AIR Worldwide, USA |
Comparison and optimization of radar based hail detection algorithms in Slovenia
Gregor Skok, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia |
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Progress on the realization of innovative low cost disposable hail sensing probes
Silvano Bertoldo, Politecnico di Torino, Italy |
Summertime hailstorms over Switzerland in surrogated climate change simulations
Andrey Martynov, University of Bern, Switzerland |
Development of a new seamless prediction system for very short range convective-scale forecasting at DWD
Ulrich Blahak, German Weather Service, Germany |
A comparison of the hail size in front of the electrical and other radar features of thunderstorms: the use of lightning jump as severe weather forecaster
Carme Farnell, Servei Meteorologic de Catalunya, Spain |
Radar signatures of Three Body Scatter Spike (TBSS) detected in Bulgaria
Stefan Georgiev, Hail Suppression Agency, Bulgaria |
The next generation of hail detection – HailSens the first automatic online hail measurement sensor
Christian Ruckstuhl, inNET Monitoring AG, Switzerland |
Evaluation of NWP WRF model with GNSS-IWV during intense precipitation cases in Bulgaria
Martin Slavchev, National Institute of Meteorology and Hydrology, Bulgaria |
Combined LIDAR-RADAR methodology to improve efficiency of pyrotechnic Silver Iodide (Ag I) use on hail prevention: LIRA - PNCDI II –RO –Project
Ioan Balin, Bucharest University, Romania |
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The Role of Initial Cloud Condensation Nuclei Concentration in Hail Using the WRF NSSL 2-moment Microphysics Scheme
Xiaofei Li, Peking University,China |
Supercell systems that have crossed the northern region of Moldova in date 18.06.2016
Aurel Danut Axinte, Alexandru Ioan Cuza University Iasi, Romania |
Numerical simulation of physical and dynamical characteristics associated with the severe hailstorm
Mohan Kumar Das, Institute of Water and Flood Management, Bangladesh |
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