


Question: I am only participating. Is the submission of an abstract obligatory?

Answer: You can register for the conference without submitting an abstract or full paper. Participation, however, is only possible after payment of the registration fee.

Question: When will I get a notice about the acceptance of a proposed session/workshop/side event/track?

Answer: October 31st, 2024

Question: Do I have to submit an abstract or full paper to specific sessions?

Answer: No, an abstract or a full paper should be submitted via Conftool. The programme committee will allocate contributions to the organized sessions according to the content.

Question: I am invited by a session chair to give a talk. Should I register and submit an abstract?

Answer: You should register as a participant. The submission of an abstract is recommended but not required.

Question: I will participate in only one of the proposed workshops and not at the conference. Can I register with a reduced fee?

Answer: Participation in any session of the program requires registration and the payment of the regular conference fee.

Question: Is there a possibility to leave earlier from the scientific excursions?

Answer: The scientific excursions will be organized for a group. Traveling to the excursion site and back will be organized in a group ticket. Costs for individual travel solutions or returns will not be covered and organized.

Question: Does RIMMA2025 provide travel grants or financial assistance for attending events?

Answer: No, RIMMA2025 does not offer travel grants or financial assistance for attending our events. All travel expenses, including transportation, accommodation, and meals, are the responsibility of the attendees.