Work Packages

Diagram explaining the OCCR work packages

The Oeschger Centre for Climate Change Research is an interdisciplinary centre at the University of Bern. It comprises two dozen research groups, is run by a management centre and led by a scientific board. All research and education follows an interdisciplinary and holistic approach. In research the Oeschger Centre destinguishers itself with four clearly definded focus areas:

  • Global climate dynamics and diagnostics
  • Regional climate dynamics: Europe and the Alps
  • Climate risks and natural disasters
  • Economic and social dimensions of climate change
Master student doing field work

The Oeschger Centre manages the Graduate School of Climate Sciences at the University of Bern. Both Bologna-compatible courses "MSc in Climate Sciences" and "PhD in Climate Sciences" are international in outlook and allow students to specialise in a number of subject areas. The Oeschger Centre conducts public relations and outreach work and participates in dialogue with policymakers, thus contributing to forward-looking, sustainable and knowledge-based decision-making. An example is the Professorship in the Effects of Climate Change in Alpine Areas, financed by the Swiss insurance company Mobiliar.